Ministry Listings

Open Air Evangelistic Mass Crusades

In every age of the church there has been those who have taken the call of Christ serviously to go out into the highways and byways and compel men to come into the kingdom , this ministry whole heartedly joins in.

Great Commission Fire Conferences

The strength of the Church is not in how many they sit but how many they send.
These confrences hinge on the Great Commision theme to shake and stir believers out of their warm chairs in 4 walls of the church to go out.

Love in Action
Alms and Helps - The Nebo Project

The Nebo Project intends to extend provision of education (academically,practically or artistically) and basic necessities to young people. Single mothers , teenage mothers, orphans, widows and impoverished families needs are met through the project.

School Of Evangelism
Equiping the saints

As ministry, we believe in the Great commission, preaching of the gospel and making disciples.
In this we do equip disciples with necessary practical priciples on evangelism to reach out to the unreached and lost through one on one evangelism and open air crusades.

Life Skilling
Empowering Enterpreneurial Skills

We provide entrepreneurial skilling and apprentices through trainings so that the saints such as single mothers, men , school drop outs and youths can earn a living with the acquired skills